Fruit Smoothie

Wow!  I wish I'd have thought of this sooner!  What a treat. I placed a couple of very small cans of peaches in the freezer for just over an hour to freeze.

Then I emptied the frozen peaches & juice into the blender, added a little bit of skim milk & (I confess) sugar - a teaspoon or so.  You could certainly use artificial sweetener of course.  And I added about 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla to the mix.

Blend and enjoy.  This made two glassfuls.  We used spoons.

I'm already thinking of different canned fruits (or combinations) and flavorings to use.  What sounds good to YOU?

The Root

Still riding high on some extra exercise while on vacation, I walked the short route to the Post Office & spent some minutes weeding in the front yard.  (Thistle-like weeds had sprung up while we were gone.)  Though the morning is relatively cool, I worked up a little sweat.  I HATE that word, by the way.

After coming in for a drink of water and wiping my face with a cool washcloth, I sat down to list a few reasons I am eager to get back to my 2009 weight.  They include:
  • a closet full of clothes waiting for me
  • less sweat doing little jobs
  • less knee stress and pain
  • improved self-esteem
  • more energy

I'm getting down to the root of the "problem".  It's basically:
Carelessness.  Laziness.
There.  I've said it.  Again.
(I think those last 5 words
were a song from the 60's!)

Time Out

I've walked a lot of sidewalks in Buffalo, NY over the past days!
 Along with no eating between meals, 
I unintentionally jump-started some healthy habits!
Fresh air and sunshine were additional benefits 
of our vacation! 
It's been a GOOD "time out"!