Beginning Now

A habit not pursued is easily forgotten, replaced by what’s reasonable, what’s comfortable. All too often, what’s reasonable and comfortable is a formula for complacency – a last-luster, dulled approach to connecting with life … to connecting with Jesus.   (Elaine, here)

Isn't this a profound statement?  Elaine was writing about a prayer posture that she had practiced for awhile and then let slip.  I find the observation applicable for so many other areas of my life--particularly when it comes to healthy practices of diet and exercise.  

Another line in her post --  Old habits remembered (especially the ones that are sweet) are ones willingly reinstated -- is a hope-filled one!  

There are a few sweet old habits to which I shall return.  Beginning NOW.



  1. I need a "reset" as well. Thank you for this post.

  2. Complacency in watching my weight is my big downfall :(
