I'm WITH It!

This is the path from our side yard to the front door.  This week (as many of you know) I began a path.  A path of 3 days without white flour, pasta & rice.  I was successful and got back to 30 minutes of walking daily, too.  I'm not at the "front door" yet, but I'm on the way.

More important than what I went WITHOUT is what I am WITH!  I am WITH energy--emotional and physical.  I'm going to get serious about finding the article that triggered this three-day dare.  It made sense then; it makes sense now.  I'd just like to read it in full again.


  1. Please share the article when you find it. I've cut out white flour, too...and feel much better and find it helps get rid of that bulge around the middle. Dr. Oz says that's what white flour products is good for...belly fat!!! Congrats on sticking to your quest...the front door is in sight!!!

  2. It's wonderful that you are "jazzed". We all need that to get started on our "path". Can you share the link to the article that articulates the three-day date?

  3. I have started walking too...two days in a row. I need it for so many reasons.... - on the walk with you in spirit.

  4. I'd like to read it, too, Rebecca. Please look for it and share. Thanks. Congrats on the changes. I think I'll try that, too. Susan

  5. I've been mowing lawn and exercising since Lynn's been gone. Also trying to eat just fruits and veggies; however, I had a cousin retreat and TOTALLY fell off the wagon. This week I mowed lawn, and now I'm weeding garden. And for the next 3 days, a committment to healthy eating. You are an inspiration!!
