
 I've been out of commission since slipping on ice on March 15.
I now have new parts in my hip.
This means daily exercises - twice each day...
NOT the kind necessary to maintain weight  & cardio health, etc.
I'm doing well, but needless to say, the whole experience was NOT on my agenda.
Surgeon's sketch of my new hip apparatus.

Soon I'll be graduating from walker to cane.
(I tried using it a bit too much yesterday while spending 
a delightful afternoon with all my siblings and their spouses.  
I spent last night "paying", so will transition a bit more gradually.)
 Thoughtful friends from my Bible study group gifted us with
gift certificates from our local restaurant.  These, interspersed with
other gifts of food, make food choices and preparation simpler.
I look forward to being mobile enough to enjoy spring weather
which seems to be dragging ITS feet, too!


  1. It's easy to get impatient with the process I am sure. When nice weather is here you should be ready to go!

  2. So sorry to hear about this, but thankful you have such good friends, and a good Heavenly Father, who is taking care of you well.

