I began "38" with a 20 minute walk. The morning was cool;
the walk made even more enjoyable as I shared it with my husband.
Later this morning, I came across this excerpt posted by a friend
from The Upper Room re. walking.
It is a wise and inspiring commentary, I think.
These practices are not burdensome tasks or rules required to become “good Christians.” Instead, they are gifts from God that nurture openness and receptivity to divine love that streams continuously through the people, events, and places of our world. Walking represents one such Christian practice. …
When I walk, my life slows down. Rather than speed past the world
around me, sealed in my car with the radio playing, I move slowly.
Moving at the speed of my feet, I hear the sounds of birds, insects, and
the wind blowing through the trees. The rhythm of my footfalls invites
me into an awareness of myself and the world around me. This awareness
leads me beyond creation to the Creator. … Walking, like all Christian
practices, makes me more open and receptive, more mindful and aware.
– Thomas R. Hawkins
Every Step a Prayer
Every Step a Prayer