Spring Fling Treat

I stayed within my calorie limit yesterday by sharing a Turtle Blizzard with my husband.  Yum!  A tasty combination of chocolate, caramel & pecans.  The only thing that would have made it tastier for me would have been to have it made with chocolate ice cream--but since we were sharing, I settled for vanilla.


  1. I haven't had my annual blizzard yet. I get the Heath Bar one. Since I have cut back on the sugar so much, it hasn't been on my mind. In fact, it doesn't even sound all that good. Didn't think I would ever say something like that.

  2. Wish I could say it didn't sound good, it sounds delicious to me. How nice that you shared with Gary.....:-)Hugs

  3. The best part about it is I didn't go on and eat something else unhealthy afterward (like I sometimes rationalize my way into)!

  4. ooooo, that would be hard for me to have just a little, Rebecca. For me, it's better not to take the first bite (or sip.) Being compulsive, I always want "more." The Blizzard would have the same effect as its name, in my body! ha! Susan
