I Needed This

Irises (Van Gogh)
Great things are not done
by impulse,
but by a series of
small things brought together.
-- Vincent Van Gogh

Myra's carrying me right now.
When I get to the "other side" of this,
I hope I can carry others.


Why wilt thou defer thy good purpose from day to day? 
ARISE! and beginin this very instant, and say 
Now is the time to be doing; 
Now is the time to be striving; 
Now is the fit time to amend myself! 
Unless thou dost earnestly force thyself,
thou shalt never get the victory over sin.
(Thomas a Kempis, born in 1379 or 1380; died 25 July, 1471.)

My Struggle...His Power

See those back two legs?  (Well, I guess the chair is blocking the view of the other one.)  That's one of the tasks I listed yesterday that was accomplished.  That wasn't so HARD now!  Yesterday--and already THIS morning--I've experienced the truth of Colossians 1:29:  "To this end I labor, struggling with all HIS energy, which so powerfully works in me."

Some notes I copied in my journal from The Red Sea Rules...
  • Sometimes plodding is better than plotting.
  • We can become paralyzed by procrastination! (I put a big red asterisk by this one.)
  • "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."  (Sir William Oster)

Bored No More

Inertia has been a problem for me lately. I could blame it on painful joints.  I could blame it on some discouraging circumstances.  I could blame it on a lot of things, but basically I know from experience that inertia breeds inertia!

Then I read Myra.  You might want to read Myra, too!  It's a GOOD one!

I'm going to haul myself out to the flower beds and do some weeding & perennial division!  

Then there's a library book on hold for me at the library.  

I'll also spend some time in the garage painting the back legs of a table-desk my husband just assembled. 

No time for boredom today!