...for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7
I've Been Dizzy

Meanwhile, picture this cartoon (which I don't want to copy due to copyright law): A woman stands at the window in the doctor's office with husband in tow. The wife says to the receptionist: "He's complaining of chest pain, shortness of breath, cramps and dizziness. Do you sell earplugs?"
Fortunately, I'm only dizzy!
How I Fared
l. 2 30-minute walks per day - preferably morning and evening
2. Healthy eating featuring fresh veggies & fruitsDID IT!
3. Read Two-Part Invention: The Story of a Marriage by Madeleine L'Engle FINISHED IT & WROTE DOWN NUMEROUS QUOTES IN JOURNAL
4. Assist as I can with the painting project PAINTED THE PRIMER ON DOORS, HELPED WITH CLEAN UP, SHOPPED FOR
5. Enjoy time with my husband away from daily "stuff"NEW SHOWER CURTAIN TO COMPLEMENT FLOOR LINOLEUM & WALLPAPER
6. Extended times of Bible reading and prayer each day COULD HAVE DONE BETTER!
7. Write down specific goals for this autumn WILL COMPLETE BEFORE THIS WEEKEND.
Goals for our Three Day Retreat

2. Healthy eating featuring fresh veggies & fruits
3. Read Two-Part Invention: The Story of a Marriage by Madeleine L'Engle
4. Assist as I can with the painting project
5. Enjoy time with my husband away from daily "stuff"
6. Extended times of Bible reading and prayer each day
7. Write down specific goals for this autumn
Thorn in the Flesh or Junk in the Trunk?

Three packages of chocolate candy sat for weeks on the lower shelf in our refrigerator.
I amazed myself with my will-power!
Then yesterday, all of it went out the window - candy AND will-power, too!
This is what remains.
This morning as I laid it out on the table for photography purposes,
I faced my weaknesses and embraced the mercy and grace of God to help me overcome
my appetites and lusts that work against health and happiness.
And lo, the pieces that were left held no attraction for me--only the beauty of God's mercy and grace.
So to keep me from being too elated by the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me...For when I am weak, then I am strong. (II Corinthians 12:7-10)
Hallelujah! Goal Met!

"Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him" (II Corinthians 2:14).
God's grace,
Dine Well

After the movie, we went out to eat at Chappell's. The Virginia Wolf quote on the blackboard greeted us as we entered. Chappell's is known for their seafood, so although it was quite expensive, I ordered the salmon - black and bleu. I dined well and brought home 1/2 of my food to enjoy today.
"Dining well" HAS increased my capacity to think, love, and sleep better, I believe. For me, a healthy diet means dining well.
Keep On Going!

My husband and I are reading a few pages each morning from the book, The Joys of Successful Aging by George Sweeting. Dr. Sweeting was President of Moody Bible Institute when I attended there in the late 60s. This statement stood out to me this morning:
"Continual involvement with life is a major requirement for successful aging. It has been said that getting older is like waterskiing: When you slow down, you go down. So...keep on going!"
Workout in Conseco Fieldhouse!

Wisdom for the Walk

Yesterday my husband and I walked in some attractive neighborhoods (translated in our case: old, grand, well-maintained homes and gardens) for our 30 minute walk. We ended up at the Auburn public library for a drink and to read the newspaper. Outside the front doors in a sweet garden area stands this impressive fountain. It's probably at least 25' high. I'll have to get a better estimate of height next time I see it.
We used to sing enthusiastic choruses about fountains. "Deep and wide...there's a fountain flowing..." and "I've got joy like a fountain", etc.
There is a lot of information on the subject of healthy living. Where to start? It requires wisdom to sort it all out and make good decisions. I am thankful that God's wisdom is available for the asking. I have found it to be like a bubbling brook - pleasant, clear, refreshing, and ever-flowing.
We used to sing enthusiastic choruses about fountains. "Deep and wide...there's a fountain flowing..." and "I've got joy like a fountain", etc.
There is a lot of information on the subject of healthy living. Where to start? It requires wisdom to sort it all out and make good decisions. I am thankful that God's wisdom is available for the asking. I have found it to be like a bubbling brook - pleasant, clear, refreshing, and ever-flowing.
By this "brook" is where I enthusiastically start and where by His grace I will one day finish.
Glad Day! Walking with a Song in my Heart
I walked yesterday AND today. I still can't say that I "ENJOY" walking. It remains a "must do" for me. (Not to say there aren't some times when a leisurely walk is enjoyable - but I'm talking about the intentional 30 minute "health walk".) This morning as I walked, I couldn't get a song out of my mind. I remembered most of the verses, but checked in with a hymnal when I got home. These words of the fourth stanza of "Jesus May Come Today" motivated me as I repeated them over and over: Faithful I'll be today, Glad day! Glad day! (see the whole song at Life and Godliness)
If I can't yet ENJOY walking, I WILL enjoy my Jesus! He is coming soon! I'll be faithful today in my PHYSICAL walk and my SPIRITUAL walk, with His help.
If I can't yet ENJOY walking, I WILL enjoy my Jesus! He is coming soon! I'll be faithful today in my PHYSICAL walk and my SPIRITUAL walk, with His help.
"Cross Training"
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