Glad Day! Walking with a Song in my Heart

I walked yesterday AND today. I still can't say that I "ENJOY" walking. It remains a "must do" for me. (Not to say there aren't some times when a leisurely walk is enjoyable - but I'm talking about the intentional 30 minute "health walk".) This morning as I walked, I couldn't get a song out of my mind. I remembered most of the verses, but checked in with a hymnal when I got home. These words of the fourth stanza of "Jesus May Come Today" motivated me as I repeated them over and over: Faithful I'll be today, Glad day! Glad day! (see the whole song at Life and Godliness)

If I can't yet ENJOY walking, I WILL enjoy my Jesus! He is coming soon! I'll be faithful today in my PHYSICAL walk and my SPIRITUAL walk, with His help.


  1. Great inspiration! I'll get my walk in today but I'll do it indoors on the treadmill. It's too hot and muggy for me.
