After a bowl of WONDERFUL home-made tomato bisque soup at Leo Diner,  I enjoyed a piece of pecan pie at my sister's home where we gathered to celebrate my mother's birthday and play games.

I rewarded my successful "7-Day Plan" completion by indulging in a most scrumptious piece of pecan pie.  My other sister brought pies from Chicago-area Baker's Square.  I DIDN'T have any ice cream or whipped cream on top.


  1. I don't think I could do that, Rebecca. One piece of pecan pie would send me over the top, wanting more and more and more sugar. Good for you that you can do it, though. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com

  2. That's probably the most tempting piece of pecan pie I've ever seen. Celebrating your mother's birthday is a very worthy occasion. Good for you for skipping the ice-cream or whipped cream!

  3. Yes, celebrate without guilt!
    Longterm discipline has it's rewards.
    Vigilance allows planned indulgences...
    It all boils down to the "long haul."
    Blessings sweet Lady.

  4. Rebecca, it doesn't hurt to have a treat once in a while.......:-) Hugs

  5. A well-deserved piece of pie, I am sure! Congratulations on successfully completing your 7-day plan. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me an encouraging comment. Today is my day 2. Yesterday I had a tomato, avocado, red onion salad with lime, sea salt and pepper; vegetarian chili and cranberries as a snack. My stomach felt light all day, but not super hungry.


  6. I've been remembering you were going to treat yourself to a piece of pecan pie as I've been doing my own version of a 5 (not 7) day plan. I'll let you know. So far, so good...Congratulations. If anyone deserved a piece of pie it surely is you!
