Warriors...Not Victims

"I find physical work profoundly energising and the exercise helps us get rid of stress and prepares us to live as warriors and not as victims."  When I found this statement  here under the title "A Bit of Motivation to Get on with Things", I grabbed it like a lifeboat!

I'm thankful for our yard and the tasks necessary to tend it.  While it has natural beauty, left to its own it would become unsightly.  So I shall continue to "work it" and count neither the hours nor painful joints unproductive or wasted!  (In that way, perhaps I will not become unsightly either!)


  1. Timely words for me as I spent another full day yesterday weeding, pressure washing, transplanting and such. More to go but slowly catching up.

  2. Boy howdy, that's the truth about yards and gardens left on their own soon become unsightly. Ours has been neglected for several years except for the basics (mowing, picking up downed limbs, etc.), It's good to get out in the fresh air and work in our own Garden of Eden.

  3. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  4. Lovely flower bed and inspiring words!
    I always love checking in with you.
    Have a blessed Memorial Day.

  5. Loved that quote, Rebecca....warriors not victims. Good one. Sincerely, Susan

  6. Your hard work shows Rebecca! It looks really beautiful. I have been trying to keep up with my weeds, pull some weeds, run in the house to cool off. Pull some weeds, run in the house to cool off! Plus of coarse sneaking out in the early morning and yanking them out while walking the dogs! I just went outside to take a picture and it was so humid that my camera just fogged all up! LOL! it's gonna be a fun summer....Love Di ♥

  7. I once asked an elderly family friend what her secret to a long life was, and she told me hard work on the farm. When I work in my tomato garden, cultivating and weeding, I think of it as my own little farm I'm tending!

  8. Loved this quote and your thoughts too Rebecca. When I am out in the garden and sweat not perspiration(LOL) is rolling off me, I am telling myself 'This is helping you girl."
    Enjoy you weekend.
