Don't Waste Your Life on Sugar

Two (maybe more) of my blogging friends are dealing squarely with the issue of sugar in their diets. In their determination to eliminate the negative health consequences associated with it, they have created new blogs. I shall be referring to them frequently. I KNOW that since I have been eating more sensibly, I have eliminated much of the lethargy that I experienced prior to my healthier habits. I'm sure there are internal problems that were created as well. Hopefully, my better habits will eliminate them, too.

You may be encouraged as I have been by referring to Vivianna's and Lady M's blogs.

I copied the list of potential sugar hazards from one of Vivianna's posts and taped it inside a kitchen cabinet door. It's enough to make you stop and think before you eat!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear friend! You can link to my blog anytime ;)

    lady m
