10 Ways to Move Beyond a Weight Loss Plateau

I'm here - on a plateau. I've googled "10 ways", "5 ways" and many OTHER ways - like fasting and enemas - to move past this plateau! Basically, I've settled on this: I'll be sure I'm drinking enough water (I've been careless about this again.) I will add intensity to my 30 minute walk. (I really don't want to add additional time.) And I will do a few repetitions of strength exercises with weights every other day. (My LEAST favorite thing to do!)

While doing all this, I'll try not to get impatient or expect to lose 2 pounds a week as I did when I was 23 pounds heavier. I will not give up my efforts but be diligent in continuing to eat fresh vegetables and fruit. I MAY eat a few smaller meals in exchange of the 1 main meal I eat currently. (I don't know - have to see how this fits with hubby, etc.)
I'll journal. I'll be "accountable" through this blog.
I'll pray, and
I'll be thankful for the health, energy and weight loss I am enjoying.

How about you? How have you moved through YOUR plateaus?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rebecca,

    It looks like you've got all the bases covered. Each of the things you've mentioned is a step in the right direction of breaking a plateau. In the past, I have broken plateaus by doing what you've mentioned, increase intensity, add strength training and eating smaller meals more frequently boosts your metabolism.

    The Lord has brought you thus far, and He will continue to be your "Jehovah Jireh". You and this blog have been a great encouragement to me, thank you.

    May the Lord continue to guide you on this journey. And remember, "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." - Galatians 6:9

    Blessings to you my friend,
    Mrs. Teapot
