The Climb - Day 2

I know nada about about mountain climbing actually.  But I like what I see in the picture above -- not the chill, but the companionship!  It is comforting and energizing to have company on my climb!  Let's keep one another encouraged.

Looking back on Day 1, I am pleased with the progress.  Except for about 14 tortilla chips, I stuck to the "path".  And Day 2 has dawned with promise and opportunity to make good choices!  I've checked my gear (W, E, and F), and I'm ready to climb!


  1. Have you heard of the cookbook Nourishing
    Traditions? It's a road to health as far
    as I'm concerned. My parents lived to be
    89 and 90 without any serious illnesses.
    That is the way they ate. I heard that
    87% of all illness begins in the mind.
    Very interesting. The word tells us to
    take every thought captive to Christ and
    that's a wonderful incentive to do so.

  2. Sandy, I've NOT heard of the cookbook. And I don't USE a lot of cookbooks. Basically, we eat simply. Fresh or roasted vegetables, broasted or broiled meat (when eaten) and fresh fruit. Whole grain cereals and breads (when eaten). Is that anything like in the cookbook?

    I couldn't agree more about illnesses beginning in the mind. I'm convinced that is so in most cases--the percentage sounds right to me!

  3. The path is steep but well marked.
    JESUS is our guide and strength.
    The view from the mountain top will be so worth it!
    I'm leaving to visit family tomorrow, and will have to guard my heart carefully to avoid the temptation to eat sugar.
    Pray for me as I pray for you.

  4. I did well for day 1 and 2. It is almost 4 a.m. on day 3 and I just weighed. I am down 3.5# from my weight on day 1. I'm sure this won't continue at this rate, but I'm encouraged at this point.

  5. Companionship is definitely a plus! While growing up, at the beginning of Lent we, as a family, would sit down and write down what we were planning on doing until Easter and then post it on the might seem like that should be a private thing but I think it helped us all to see we weren't alone in giving up or doing was encouraging and it kind of kept us accountable.
    This climb is a great idea!
