Healthy Holiday Tip #1

Through New Year's Day, I am going to post a health tip that sounds workable or has been helpful to me. I hope it will help someone else, too. In fact, if you've successfully maneuvered through the holidays yourself or have heard a helpful tip, why not pass it on? I'd be happy to feature it over the course of the next few weeks! Let's help each other!
Here's the first one:
When you dish up your food, make sure that half your plate (or more) is full of vegetables, peas, beans or grains. Eat this first. Don’t pile your plate high with meat and starch – you’ll overwhelm your liver and the excess calories will be turned into fat (weight gain)!


  1. Thanks. I will be reading your tips.

  2. Oh you are so smart and what a wonderful way to share your tips with us...luv ya...:-) Hugs
