One of my Favorite Filling and Healthy Fast Foods

SMALL CHILI Serving Size: 227 g (one pkg); Calories: 190, Total Fat: 6g, Carbs: 19g, Protein: 14g

While traveling on our vacation in North Carolina and Tennessee late in April (see Life and Godliness, April 22), I frequently enjoyed Wendy's small chili. It is filling and VERY tasty in my opinion. Today on our way home from Chicago this evening, we stopped at Wendy's again. I filled up before seeing the bottom of the serving container!

When I got home, I looked up the nutritional facts on this satisfying soup to see if it really was "low in fat, high in fiber" as advertised. This is what I found. I WILL have more chili this week, I'm sure. We're going to be attending our church convention near Sandusky, OH. Our meals will be eaten out, so I'll be on the lookout for economy and good nutrition.


  1. Seems like some of your comments here are going back to my Life and Godliness blog. I'm going to try to straighten that out.

  2. It is amazing the gift you have for writing and putting things together on these blogs. I am proud of you and proud to be your husband.


  3. Wow! Gary is blogging as well! You are a blogging duo! Congratulations.

    Bob does not read my posts--except when I put him in my desk chair and force him on occasion :-) to look at some photos or something. He says he knows all of my stories. :-)Actually once and awhile he has checked my blog but he cracks me up when he says, "Are you still doing that?" I don't separate subjects. My catagories all fit under in your words, "Life and Godliness", I hope.

    Regarding weight loss. I have a switch in my head. When it is on, I do well. I seem to be nearly powerless about the switch when it is off, I do not know how to turn it on again. I am thankful that it has pretty much been in the ON position since March 5th. I tried to flip it--nearly every day from January 1 to March 5th but to no avail. I am hoping it stays on for awhile! You are doing great. I have lost but still would like to lose at least 19 more pounds. I will check your blog for tips.

