Post Your Goals Where You'll See Them Often

"Post your goals where you’ll see them often, along with notes of inspiration. Reminders are a good thing." So goes the 6/4/09 Motivation to Live Well Quote.

Would you believe that for over a year I've been "posting my goal" in my journal! EVERY day! Now some would think that it didn't work. But I am here to tell you that it DID work--subconsciously. Never leaving me comfortable with the excess weight I was carrying. Today I am within 3 pounds of that goal. I may be setting a NEW goal soon.

F.Y.I. The heart represents the whole of me - body, soul, mind and spirit. The cross indicates that I belong to God by virtue of Christ's death for me. That I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That I want Him to be central in my body, soul, mind, and spirit. The arrow means I am moving FORWARD--not looking back. The # outside the heart is my pound goal. The date and time are also within the heart. Sometimes I was as "fuzzy" on the goal as this hastily-taken photo. But it was always clear on the page!

Posting my goals is not the "power" that accomplishes the work! That is God at work IN me. But He uses the reminders, uses His written Word, and uses His Living Word to motivate me to "WILL and to DO" His good pleasure.

"It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." (Philippians 2:13)


  1. Great job, mom! Way to go! I'm praying for you as you continue to strive for that goal!
